Little remains of the Allen Brock place. I believe that he and his brother both had homesteads in this area. Allen Brock and his wife Amina traded this land to Fred Johnson for land elsewhere. Johnson sold the land to George Rule. The house was evidently destroyed in some manner and all that is left are pieces of machinery and an old stove. -- Chris and Loretta Mangen, Echoing Footsteps
George and Allen Brock homesteaded just south of Kingsley. Allen married Amina Lawson and had three children, Charles, Henry, and William. According to the 1930 census, excerpts of which are copied below, the Brock brothers' mother and uncle lived with George: Edwina Collins Brock (Henry's widow), and George Collins.
The rest of the Brock family homesteaded south of Broadus. Everett Brock (married to Mabel Burley) managed the homesteads before moving to Idaho in 1938.